Beneficial Artificial Intelligence For Your Everyday Life

Samuel Chan
3 min readDec 1, 2020

An investigation about a recent discovery of a new type of computing that is being embedded into our society and has the potential of taking over the world by industry leaders.

You are not reading this article on an Apple iPhone, Samsung Galaxy or any other smart phone for that matter. You are also not reading this on a regular computer.

You are r eading this on something better. You are reading this on something so advanced it can’t even be called a computer anymore. You are reading this on something that has the potential to change the world as we know it, forever. That something is artificial intelligence.

The History of AI

Beneficial artificial intelligence has a very interesting history. It has a long journey, starting from the ancient greeks, pass the 50’s where sci-fi movies such as “ 2001 a space odyssey” gave people the idea that AI will be a killing machine taking over the world, right up to today, where this has become a reality and is embedded in almost everything we do.

What is AI?

In the beginning, computers were nothing more than calculating devices. They could only follow instructions that were given to it, which at that time were very limited.

The next big thing

The next big thing in computing was the introduction of machine language. This allowed programmers to communicate directly to the computer, however it was still very limited and only worked for a single task.

Making Computers Human

Next came high level languages. This allowed for programmers to communicate with the computer easier and more efficiently, and allowed for computers to do more complex tasks. After this, scientists made another leap in computing by creating computers that could understand human language. This lead to the first real attempt at creating AI. Scientist wanted to create a computer that could understand human language and communicate back to human.

The First Text based AI

These where the first steps of AI, however they were very basic and primitive. They required a lot of human involvement and where not able to learn from their mistakes. These computers could only perform very basic human tasks such as communicating with another person or controlling machinery.

The Future of AI

We are now at the point where we have AI that not only can communicate with human, but also learn from it. There are many different types of AI, such as data mining and pattern recognition. This type of AI is everywhere, from the internet to your phone and even the computer you are reading this post on.

Some people say that AI and robotics will replace human jobs, but I believe that they will create new ones.

Right now, only a few people are able to take advantage of creating AI. This post has given you knowledge of how to make a simple AI, however you will need a lot more knowledge before you can make the complex ones.

You will need to understand computer science, robotics, and mathematics to fully utilize this knowledge.

In the future, a lot more people will have the ability to create AI and we will start to enter a new era. What will you do with this ability?

Originally published at



Samuel Chan

Financial Advisor | Wealth Strategies | Husband | Father | Son